국내 학회발표
- Ahn S, Noh M, Novel linked butanolide dimer compounds increase adiponectin production during adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ modulation, 제5회 생체지질인터액토믹스 심포지엄 (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2020. 8. 27.
- An S, Selenium bioisosteric replacement of adenosine derivatives promoting adiponectin secretion increases the binding affinity to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ, 제5회 생체지질인터액토믹스 심포지엄 (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2020. 8. 27.
- Ahn S, Basavana Gowda MK, Park I, Kim T, An S, Choi WJ, Noh M, Elucidation of the molecular mechanism for adiponectin secretion-promoting novel linked butanolide dimer compounds in human mesenchymal stem cells, The 28th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2020. 10. 16.
- Ahn S, Basavana Gowda MK, Park I, Kim T, An S, Choi WJ, Noh M, Linked butanolide dimer compounds increase adiponectin biosynthesis in human mesenchymal stem cells via PPARγ full agonism, 2020 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (서울, The-K 호텔 서울) 2020. 10. 21-23.
- Ahn S, An S, Jin SH, Lee E, Park I, Kim T, Noh M, Avobenzone exhibits obesogenic activity in human mesenchymal stem cells and human keratinocyte, 17th Annual International Meeting of KSAAE (Online Conference) 2020. 10. 28.
- An S, Shin JC, Jin SH, Ki MW, Noh M, Benzophenone UV filters induce obesogenic phenotypes through SRC-2-dependent PPARγ activation, 17th Annual International Meeting of KSAAE (Online Conference) 2020. 10. 28.
- Ahn S, Jang DM, Park SC, An S, Shin J, Han BW, Noh M, Polypharmacology study of marine fungus Aspergillus terreus derived butyrolactone I as a PPARγ partial agonist and a CDK5 inhibitor, 한국생약학회 제51회 정기총회 및 학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2020. 12. 2-3.
- Ahn SJ, Ma CT, Choi JM, An SC, Pyo JJ, Ko HJ, Shin C. JY, Kim MS, Han YJ,Noh MS, Phenylethylchromones from the agarwood of Aquilaria malaccensis promote adiponectin secretion in human mesenchymal stem cells through PPARγ partial agonism, 2019 Spring International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea, (서울, 밀레니엄 서울 힐튼) 2019. 4. 25–26.
- Ahn SJ, An SC, Pyo JJ, Jin SH, Ki MW, Choi JM, Shin C. JY, Ko HJ, Han YJ, Noh MS, A long wave UVA filter avobenzone induces obesogenic phenotypes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes and mesenchymal stem cells, 제 2회 생체지질인터액토믹스 심포지엄, (강릉, 스카이베이 경포호텔) 2019. 6. 27-28.
- P JJ, Ko HJ, Shin JY, Han YJ, An SC, Ahn SJ, Noh MS, Elucidating chemical leukoderma-inducing potential of Hydroquinone in human keratinocytes and melanocytes via whole genome-transcriptional study, 제16차 한국동물실험대체법 학회 국제심포지움, (대구, 계명대학교 백은관) 2019. 8. 22-23.
- Ahn SJ, Kim JM, An SC, Pyo JJ, Shin IJ, Kim HP, Kin HS, Noh MS, Propolis-deived 2–phenyl-8-(1-phenylallyl)-chromenone compounds promote adiponectin secretion in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells through a pan-PPAR modulation, 제27차 한국응용약물학회 추계국제학술대회, (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- An SC, Pyo JJ, Ahn SJ, Shin C. JY, Han YJ, Ko HJ, Noh MS, Cystathionine metabolic enzymes play a role in the resolution of formaldehyde-induced inflammation in human keratinocytes: An update on pathway enrichment analyses, 제27차 한국응용약물학회 추계국제학술대회, (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Pyo JJ, Ko HJ, Shin JY, Han YJ, An SC, Ahn SJ, Noh MS, Keratinocyte-derived IL-36γ plays a role in hydroquinone-induced chemical leukoderma through inhibition of melanogenesis in human epidermal melanocytes, 제27차 한국응용약물학회 추계국제학술대회, (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Shin C. JY, Ko HJ, Ahn SJ, Han YJ, Pyo JJ, An SC, Noh MS, Study on vascular endothelial growth factor as a photoallergy evaluation biomarker in HaCaT keratinocytes, 제27차 한국응용약물학회 추계국제학술대회, (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Ahn SJ, An SC, Lee EY, Pyo JJ, Ki MW, Jin SH, Shin C. JY, Han YJ, Ko HJ, Noh MS, Avobenzone acts as a metabolic disrupting obesogen in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and human keratinocytes, The 35th Annual Meeting of KSOT/KEMS, (제주, 제주ICC) 2019. 11. 4-5.
- Pyo JJ, Ko HJ, Shin JY, Han YJ, An SC, Ahn SJ, Noh MS, Keratinocyte-derived IL-36γ plays a role in hydroquinone-induced chemical leukoderma through inhibition of melanogenesis in human, The 35th Annual Meeting of KSOT/KEMS, (제주, 제주ICC) 2019. 11. 4-5.
- Ahn SJ, Choi JM, An SC, Pyo JJ, Kwon SW, Park JH, Noh MS, Bioactivity-guided isolation of adiponectin secretion-inducing phenylethylchromones from the Aquilaria malaccensis-derived agarwood a pharmacophore of a PPAR γ partial agonist, The 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy, (서울, 서울드래곤시티) 2019. 11. 28.
- Ahn SJ, An SC, Lee EY, Pyo JJ, Ki MW, Jin SH, Noh MS, Avobenzone acts as a metabolic disrupting obesogen in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and human keratinocytes, 기초의과학연구센터(MRC) 2019 연합성과발표회, (수원, 성균관대학교 의과대학) 2019. 12. 10.
- Lee M, Lee E, Jin SH, LIU J, Ahn S, Ko H, Noh M, Transcriptional Study for Identifying Effects of Formaldehyde under Cytotoxic Concentration to Keratinocytes, The 14th KOGO Winter Symposium (강원도 홍천, 대명리조트 비발디파크) 2018. 02. 5-7.
- KO H, Lee M, Lee E, Jin SH, Ahn S, Han Y, Ki MW, Noh M, Transcriptional profile of leptin-treated normal human keratinocytes, 2018 대한약학회 춘계국제학술대회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 4. 20.
- Han Y, Shin J, Ahn S, Liu J, Ko H, Lee M, Pyo J, Jin SH, Noh M, Evaluation of Anti-cellulite Effects of Natural Plant Extracts during Adipogenesis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 제 43차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술발표대회 (서울, 서울과학기술대학교 백주년기념관) 2018. 5. 31.
- Ahn S, Lee M, Ko H, Han Y, Shin J, Lee E, Noh M, Evaluation of Seletinoid G, anti-wrinkle ingredients, as regulators of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) subtypes α and γ coregulator in human mesenchymal stem cells, 제 43차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술발표대회 (서울, 서울과학기술대학교 백주년기념관) 2018. 5. 31.
- Lee M, Lee E, Ahn S, Jin SH, Ko H, Han Y, Pyo JJ, Noh M, Study on the role of phosphodiesterase 4B on the phototoxicity of sunscreen agent using in vitro skin model, 제 15차 한국동물실험대체법학회 정기학술대회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC 극장) 2018. 8. 24.
- Lee M, Pyo JJ, An S, Han Y, Shin J, Ahn S, Jin SH, Noh M, Construction of In-house Gene Ontology Related to Skin Aging for Elucidating Novel Insights from Bio-big Data, 제 27차 한국유전체학회 귝제학술대회 (서울, 세종대학교 세종컨벤션센터) 2018. 9. 5-7.
- Ahn S, Lee M, An S, Choi JM, Han Y, Pyo JJ, Shin JC, Lee J, Noh M, 2-Formyl-komarovicine from Nitraria komarovii promotes adiponectinsecretion in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, 제 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- Choi JM, Ahn S, Lee M, Han Y, Pyo JJ, Shin JC, Noh M, Study on Anti-cellulite Plant Extracts in the Adipogenesis Model of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- An S, Han Y, An S, Shin JC, Pyo JJ, Lee M, Choi JM, Jin SH, Ki MW, Rho HS, Noh M, Kojyl cinnamate ester compounds as dual peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor α/γ modulators, 2018 MRC 성과발표회 (서울, 한국과학기술회관 국제회의장) 2018. 10. 23.
- Ahn S, Kim J, Kim SO, Liu J, Choi JM, Lee M, Jin SH, Noh M, Alternative skin sensitization test based on VEGF induction model in HaCaT keratinocytes, 2017 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술대회 (서울, 서울과학기술대학교 100주년 기념관) 2017. 05. 26.
- Choi JM, Kim SO, Kim J, Liu J, Lee M, Jin SH, Noh M, Bio-big data opportunity in 연구업적 25 skin biology concept research, 2017 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술대회(서울, 서울과학기술대학교 100주년 기념관) 2017. 05. 26.
- Kim J, Kim SO, 최정민, Liu J, Jin SH, Noh M, Alternative cosmetic safety assessment test based on VEGF induction model in HaCaT keratinocytes, 2017 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술대회 (서울, 서울과학기술대학교 100주년 기념관 ) 2017. 05. 26.
- Lee M, Lee E, Kim J, Kim SO, Liu J, Ahn S, Jin SH, Noh M, Pro-inflammatory cytokine production profile of HaCaT keratinocytes in response to heavy metals in particulate matters, 2017 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술대회 (서울, 서울과학기술대학교 100주년 기념관) 2017. 05. 26.
- Lee M, Lee E, Kim J, Kim SO, Liu J, Ahn S, Jin SH, Noh M, An alternative skin sensitization test method based on HaCaT keratinocyte induced vascular endothelial growth factor, The 26th International KOGO Annual Conference (서울, 세종대학교 세종컨벤션센터) 2017. 09. 06.
- Kim J, Ahn S, Yu J, Liu J, Lee M, Jin SH, Jeong NS, Noh M, IB-MECA promotes adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells, 2017 Annual Meeting of The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 13.
- Kim J , Ahn S , Yu J, Liu J, L ee M, J in SH, Jeong NS, Noh M, E valu ation of anti-inflammatory profile in HaCaT keratinocytes exposed to heavy metals in particulate matters, The 24th Conference of the International Federation of
- Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC Conference 2017) (서울, 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 파르나스 ) 2017. 10. 23.
- Liu J, Hyun S, Choi JM, Kim J, Kim SO, Lee M, Noh M, Seletinoid G promotes adiponectin production during adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells, The 24th Conference of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists(IFSCC Conference 2017) (서울, 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 파르나스) 2017. 10. 23.
- Lee E, Lee M, Jin SH, Noh M, Validation study on the endoplasmic reticulum-unfolded protein response to understand cutaneous inflammation resolution process in human keratinocytes, The 24th Conference of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC Conference 2017) (서울, 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 파르나스) 2017. 10. 23.
- Lee M, Liu J, Hyun S, Choi JM, Kim J, Kim SO, Jin SH, Noh M, Protective effect of hylotelephium erythrostictum extracts on the immortalized keratinocytes irritated by air particulate matte, 2017 한국생약학회 제48회 정기총회 및 학술대회(성남, 차바이오컴플렉스) 2017. 11. 23.
국외 학회발표
- Ahn S, Lee M, Pyo JJ, Han Y, Shin J, Noh M, Feasibility study on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a photosensitivity evaluation biomarker in HaCaT keratinocytes, The 4th International Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives & Translational Toxicology, The 2nd Asian Congress on Alternative (Guangzhou, China) 2018. 10. 9-12.
- Shin JC, Lee M, Ahn S, Han Y, Pyo JJ, Noh M, In vitro photoallergy evaluation of heavy metal based on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, The 4th International Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives & Translational Toxicology, The 2nd Asian Congress on Alternative (Guangzhou, China) 2018. 10. 9-12.
- Han Y, Lee M, Pyo JJ, Ahn S, Shin J, An S, Jin SH, Noh M, Research on the inflammation-regulating role of Keratinocyte-derived IL-24 against toxic stressors in epidermis, The 4th International Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives & Translational Toxicology, The 2nd Asian Congress on Alternative (Guangzhou, China) 2018. 10. 9-12.
- Pyo JJ, Lee M, Ahn S, Han Y, Shin JC, Noh M, Elucidating skin toxicity of Formaldehyde in Keratinocytes via whole genome transcriptional study, The 4th International Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives & Translational Toxicology, The 2nd Asian Congress on Alternative (Guangzhou, China) 2018. 10. 9-12.
- Lee M, Lee E, Ahn S, Jin SH, Ko H, Han Y, Pyo JJ, Noh M, Study on the role of phosphodiesterase 4B on the phototoxicity of sunscreen agent using in vitro skin model, The 4th International Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives & Translational Toxicology, The 2nd Asian Congress on Alternative (Guangzhou, China) 2018. 10. 9-12.