국내 학회발표
- Acetate metabolism in liver cancer, 박성혁, 제8회 KSBMB DDC 제주 워크숍 (제주, 오션그랜드호텔) 2020. 7. 30-8. 1.
- Park SH, In-organism live metabolomic analysis of AMPK isotypic differencein C.elegans, 2019 Cancer Metabolism workshop in Korea, (경기도, 국립암센터) 2019. 3. 8.
- Park SH, Live Metabolomics in Hierarchical Biological Systems, 2019 Catholic Autoimmunity Summit, (서울, 가톨릭대학교 성의교정) 2019. 10. 11.
- Park SH, Real-time in-organism NMR metabolomics reveals differential roles of AAK/AMPK isotypes in the whole-body metabolism of C.elegans, The 3th BioLipids Interactomics Symposium, (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 10. 25.
- Park SH, Real-time In-organism NMR Metabolomics Reveals Differential Roles of AAK?AMPK Isotypes in the Whole-body Metabolism of C.elegans, 2019년도 한국 프리라디칼 학회 심포지움, (인천, 인하대학교 정석학술정보관) 2019. 11. 8-9.
- Wen J, Wen H, Kim H, Ko YJ, Dong S, Park I, Yook JI, Park S, Observation of acetyl phosphate formation in mammalian mitochondria using real-time in-organelle NMR metabolomics, 2018 대한약학회 추계국제학술대회 (제주, ICC) 2018. 10. 17-19.
- Wen H, Lee S, Zhu WG, Lee OJ, Yun SJ, Kim J, Park S, Glucose-derived acetate and ACSS2 as key players in cisplatin resistance in bladder cancer, AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in solid Tumors, (서울, 롯데호텔) 2018. 11. 15-17.
- Choo M, Park S, The metabolic comparison between normal and lung cancer cell line in the anoikis condition, AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in solid Tumors, (서울, 롯데호텔) 2018. 11. 15-17.
- Wen J, Wen H, Kim H, Ko YJ, Dong SM, Park I, Yook JI, Park S, Observation of acetyl phosphate formation in mammalian mitochondria using real-time in-organelle NMR metabolomics, AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in solid Tumors, (서울, 롯데호텔) 2018. 11. 15-17.
- Park S, Live Metabolomics Analysis Reveals New Insights in Clsplartin resistance in Bladder Cancer, 2017 대한약학회 춘계학술대회 (충북, C&V 센터) 2017. 04. 20-21.
- Park S, Snail regulates FAO potentiating cancer cell survival, 대한약학회 신약개발네트워크 연구회 (서울, 그랜드호텔) 2017. 04. 28.
- Park S, Live Metabolomics Analysis Reveals New Insights in Clsplartin resistance in Bladder Cancer, 24th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference (서울, COEX 컨벤션센터)2017. 06. 22-24.
- Park S, Carbon Isotopomer Analysis with Non-Uniform sampling HSQC NMR for Cell extract and Live Cell, 한국자기공명학회 제49회 총회 및 학술발표대회 (부산, 한화리조트) 2017. 06. 28-30.
국외 학회발표
- Park SH, Real-time Live Metabolomics with 2D Heteronuclear NMR in Hierarchical Biological Systems, 60th ENC Conference (Pacific Grove, USA) 2019. 4. 7-12.
- Xu WJ, Wen H, Kim H, Ko YJ, Dong SM, Park I, Yook JI, Park S, Observation of acetyl phosphate formation in mammalian mitochondria using real-time in-organelle NMR metabolomics, METABOLOMICS 2018 (Seattle, Washington, USA) 2018. 6. 24-28.
- Wen H, Lee S, Zhu WG, Lee OJ, Yun SJ, Kim J, Park S, Glucose-derived acetate and ACSS2 as key players in cisplatin resistance in bladder cancer, METABOLOMICS 2018 (Seattle, Washington, USA) 2018. 6. 24-28.
- Choo M, and Park S, The metabolic comparison between normal and lung cancer cell line in the anoikis condition, METABOLOMICS 2018, (Seattle, Washington, USA) 2018. 6. 24-28.
- Park S, Real-time monitoring of p53’s effects on pyruvate metabolism in live mitochondria using in organelle NMR, 7th Asia Pacific NMR Symposium and the 21rd Annual Meeting of the National Magnetic (Bangalore, India) 2017. 02. 16-19.