국내 학회발표
- Kim D, Combination strategy for overcoming EGFR-TKI resistance in non-small lung cancer cells by targeting AXL degradation, The 51th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (e-Conference) 2020. 12. 02-03.
- Song J, Yu J, Jeong LS, Lee SK, A novel cytarabine analog evokes synthetic lethality by targeting MK2 in p53-deficient cancer cells, International Conference and the 25th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (전주, 라마다호텔) 2020. 12. 04-05.
- Byun WS, Bae ES, Kim WK, Han HJ, Chung H-J, Jang K, Kim HS, Kim S, Kim D, Park S, Lee J, Park H-G, Lee SK, Anti-metastatic activity of a novel psammaplin A analog in triple-negative breast cancer. The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2020. 10. 16.
- Jang SC, Kim D, Park H-J, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of buddlejasaponin IV isolated from Clinopodium chinense var. shibetchense in non-small cell lung cancer cells. The 51th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (E-conference) 2020. 12. 02-03.
- Moon DH, Wang CY, Kyaw KZ, Park J, Oh D-C, Lee SK, Anti-proliferation activity of an oxazolomycin analog AH05 in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells. The 51th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (E-conference) 2020. 12. 02-03.
- Han J, Kim D, Kim T, Park H-J, Lee SK, Antiproliferative activity of gibbosic acid H via modulation of G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and autophagy in human lung cancer cells. The 51th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (E-conference) 2020. 12. 02-03.
- Kyaw KZ, Shin Y-H, Byun WS, Park H-J, Oh D-C, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of piceamycin by up-regulation of N-myc Downstream-Regulated Gene 1 and induction of apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells. The 51th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (E-conference) 2020. 12. 02-03.
- Byun WS, Jin MK, Yu J, Kim WK, Jeong LS, Lee SK, Suppression of tumor growth by a novel selenonucleoside to overcome paclitaxel resistance in prostate cancer, The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (서울, 힐튼호텔) 2019. 4. 26.
- Bae ES, Byun WS, Jin MK, Yu J, Kim WK, Jeong LS, Lee SK, Anti-tumor activity of a novel selenonucleoside in paclitaxel-resistant prostate cancer enhancing Skp2 degradation, Korean Society of Cancer Prevention Osaek Symposium (강원, 오색그린야드호텔) 2019. 7. 4-6.
- Lee JY, Song JY, Kwon YS, Kim SH, Lee SK, Targeting Met endosomal signaling by (-)-antofine, a natural phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid, in renal cancer cells, Korean Society of Cancer Prevention Osaek Symposium (강원, 오색그린야드호텔) 2019. 7. 4-6.
- Kim DH, Hu R, Fan YH, Xu YN, Park HJ, Lee SK, Protective Effects of MCGE on UVB-induced Inflammatory Responses in Human Keratinocytes, Korean Society of Cancer Prevention Osaek Symposium (강원, 오색그린야드호텔) 2019. 7. 4-6.
- Kim DH, Wang CY, Hu R, Lee JY, Luu TT, Park HJ, Lee SK, Vanicoside B Exhibits Antitumor Activity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Targeting CDK8, The 27th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Lee JY, Hu R, Kim DH, Luu TT, Bach DH, Lee SK, Upregulation of long noncoding RNA LINC00461 in geftinib resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, The 27th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Hu R, Kim DH, Fan YH, Xu YN, Lee SK, Protective effects of 2S,3R-6methoxycarbonylgallocatechin isolated from Anhua black tea on UVB-induced inflammatory responses in human keratinocytes, The 27th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관) 2019. 10. 11.
- Hwang JY, Kim DH, Park JS, Park HJ, Shin JH, Lee SK, Photoprotective effects of topsentin isolated from the marine sponge Spongosorites genitrix by Regulation of COX-2 and MIR-4485 Expression in UVB Irradiated Human Keratinocyte Cells, 2019 Fall Conference of Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea (서울, LG 사이언스파크) 2019. 11. 22.
- Kim DH, Hu R, Fan YH, Xu YN, Lee SK, Protective effects of 2S, 3R-6methoxycarbonylgallocatechin isolated from Anhua black tea on UVB-induced inflammatory responses in human keratinocytes, 2019 Fall Conference of Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea (서울, LG 사이언스파크) 2019. 11. 22
- . Kim DW, Wang CY, Hu RH, Lee JY, Luu TT, Park HJ, Lee SK, Antitumor Activity of Vanicoside B, a Phenylpropanoid Isolated from Persicaria dissitiflora in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells, The 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (서울, 서울드래곤시티) 2019. 11. 28.
- Byun WS, Bae ES, Han HJ, Park HG, Lee SK, Anti-tumor and Anti-metastatic activity of a Novel Psammaplin A analog in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, The 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (서울, 서울드래곤시티) 2019. 11. 28.
- Wang CY, Kim DH, Zhu YK, Oh DC, Liang D, Lee SK, Antiangiogenic Activity of Glechomanamides A–C, Germacrane Sesquiterpenoids with an Unusual Δ8-7,12-Lactam Moiety from Salvia scapiformis, The 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (서울, 서울드래곤시티) 2019. 11. 28.
- Hu R, Kim DH, Wang CY, Luu TT, Lee JY, Xu YN, Lee SK, Anti-inflammatory effects of Juglanin H, a diarylheptanoid, from Juglans regia by regulating NF-κB, and Nrf-2 signaling pathways in macrophages, The 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (서울, 서울드래곤시티) 2019. 11. 28.
- Kim DH, Bach DH, Fan YH, Luu TT, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Overcoming acquired resistance of EGFR-TKI in non-small cell lung cancer cells by targeting AXL degradation, International Symposium on the 80th Anniversary of Natural Products Research Institute (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 12. 12.
- Byun WS, Shin D, Oh DC, Lee SK, Antitumor and Antimetastatic Activity of a Novel Cyclic Peptide in 5-Fluorouracil-Resistant Colon Cancer Cells, International Symposium on the 80th Anniversary of Natural Products Research Institute (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 12. 12.
- Kim DH, Wang CY, Hu R, Lee JY, Luu TT, Park HJ, Lee SK, Targeting CDK8-mediated signaling by Vanicoside B, a phenylpropanoid isolated from Persicaria dissitiflora, in triple-negative breast cancer cells, International Symposium on the 80th Anniversary of Natural Products Research Institute (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 12. 12.
- Bae ES, Kim YM, Kim DH, Byun WS, Chin YW, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of Nodosin via regulation of wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer cell, International Symposium on the 80th Anniversary of Natural Products Research Institute (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 12. 12.
- Wang CY, Kim DH, Zhu YK, Oh DC, Liang D, Lee SK, Antiangiogenic Activity of Germacrane Sesquiterpenoids with an Unusual Δ8-7,12-Lactam Moiety from Salvia scapiformis, International symposium on the 80th Anniversary of Natural Products Research Institute (서울, 서울대학교 신약개발센터) 2019. 12. 12.
- Kim DH, Bach DH, Fan YH, Luu TT, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Combination of Yuanhuadine and EGFR-TKI Overcomes Acquired Resistance in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells by Targeting AXL Degradation, 2019 International Conference and the 24th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 연세대학교 Avison Biomedical Research Center) 2019. 12. 13-14.
- Lee JY, Hu R, Kim DH, Luu TT, Bach DH, Lee SK, Down-regulation of long noncoding RNA LINC00461 can be a therapeutic target of gefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2019 International Conference and the 24th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 연세대학교 Avison Biomedical Research Center) 2019. 12. 13-14.
- Moon DH, Kim DH, Wang CY, Hu R, Lee JY, Luu TT, Park HJ, Lee SK, Vanicoside B, a phenylpropanoid isolated from Persicaria dissitiflora, exhibits antitumor activity in triple-negative breast cancer cells, 2019 International Conference and the 24th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 연세대학교 Avison Biomedical Research Center) 2019. 12. 13-14.
- Hu R, Kim DH, Wang CY, Luu TT, Lee JY, Xu YN, Lee SK, Anti-inflammatory activity of Juglanin H in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages by regulating NF-κB and Nrf2 pathways, 2019 International Conference and the 24th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 연세대학교 Avison Biomedical Research Center) 2019. 12. 13-14.
- Kim D, Lee JY, Bach DH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Axl protein degradation rate and is increased in acquired gefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2018 대한약학회 춘계국제학술대회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 4. 20.
- Bach DH, Moon DH, Hong JY, Lee JY, Shin YK, Lee SK, Essential role of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase oncogene in tumor growth of EGFR-TKIs-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2018 대한약학회 춘계국제학술대회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 4. 20.
- Byun WS, Kim WK, Chung HJ, Park HJ, Choi JS, Lee SK, Anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activities of esculetin targeting modulation of Axin2/E-cadherin/β-catenin cascade in human colon cancer cells, 2018 대한약학회 춘계국제학술대회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 4. 20.
- Kim D, Bach DH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Overcoming EGFR-TKI resistance in non small cell lung cancer cells by targeting Axl degradation, 2018 국제생화학분자생물학회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 6. 4-8.
- Bach DH, Kim D, Luu TTT, Hong JY, Lee SK, Essential role of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase oncogene in tumor growth of EGFR-TKIs-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2018 국제생화학분자생물학회 (서울, 코엑스) 2018. 6. 4-8.
- Kim WK, Park SK, Ryu HW, Oh J, Park HJ, Hong JY, Song HH, Eum S, Bach TT, Lee SK, Cytotoxic activities of Telectadium dongnaiense and its constituents by inhibiting the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway, 2018 대한암예방학회 오색 심포지엄 (강원, 오색그린야드 호텔) 2018. 7. 5-7.
- Kim WK, Kim S, Oh J, Park HJ, Choi JS, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of Esculetin by targeting E-cadherin and Wnt signaling in colorectal cancer, 2018 대한암예방학회 오색 심포지엄 (강원, 오색그린야드 호텔) 2018. 7. 5-7.
- Bach DH, Kim D, Luu TTT, An YJ, Park S, Park HJ, Lee SK, Targeting BMP4 to Overcome Acquired Drug Resistance in EGFR-Mutant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cells, 2018 한국응용약물학회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 10. 12.
- Park SH, Hong JY, Kim WK, Shin JS, Lee J, Ha IH, Chung HJ, Lee SK, Anti-inflammatory and Pain Control Activities of SHINBARO in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Rat model, 2018 한국응용약물학회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 10. 12.
- Kim D, Lee, JY Bach DH, Bae SY, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Down-regulation of Axl protein is a therapeutic target of gefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2018 한국응용약물학회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 10. 12.
- Yu S, Hu R, Oh J, Li F, Kwon Y, Cho H, Shin J, Lee SK, Kim S, Anti-angiogenesis Activity of Wondonin Analogues by Regulating VEGF/VEGFR Signaling Pathway, 2018 한국응용약물학회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 10. 12.
- Kim J, Park HJ, Kim D, Jang EJ, Hong JY, Noh M, Lee SK, Pinosylvin regulates anti-UVB induced inflammatory activity via COX-2 and MAPK signaling pathway in Human Keratinocytes, 2018 한국응용약물학회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 10. 12.
- Park SH, Hong JY, Kim WK, Shin JS, Lee J, Ha IH, Chung HJ, Lee SK, Therapeutic Effects of SHINBARO on Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in Rat Model, 제 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- Kim D, Bach DH, Fan YH, Luu TTT, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, The combination strategies to overcome anti-cancer drug resistance in non-small lung cancer cells by targeting AXL degradation, 제 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- Kim WK, Byun WS, Chung HJ, Oh J, Park HJ, Choi JS, Lee SK, Suppression of tumor growth and metastasis by esculetin is associated with the downregulation of Axin2/E-cadherin axis in human colon cancer cells, 제 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- Bae ES, Kim D, Byun WS, Park HJ, Kim YM, Chin YW, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of nodosin is associated with the regulation of wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer cell, 제 49회 한국생약학회 정기총회 및 학술대회, 한중일 생약학회 (서울, 이화여자대학교 캠퍼스 복합단지 ECC) 2018. 11. 22-23.
- Bach DH, Kim D, Luu TTT, An YJ, Park S, Park HJ, Lee SK, BMP4 and miR-139-5p mediates EGFR-TKI resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2018 대한암예방학회 학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 11. 30 – 12. 1.
- Byun WS, Jin M, Yu J, Kim WK, Song J, Jeong LS, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of a novel selenonucleoside via Skp2 degradation in paclitaxel-resistant prostate cancer, 2018 대한암예방학회 학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 11. 30 – 12. 1.
- Bae ES, Kim D, Byun WS, Park HJ, Kim YM, Chin YW, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of nodosin is associated with the regulation of wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer cell, 2018 대한암예방학회 학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교) 2018. 11. 30 – 12. 1.
- Byun WS, Shin Y, Hong S, Park HG, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of marine natural product derived Psammaplin A analogs, 2017 대한약학회 춘계학술대회 (충청북도, C&V center) 2017. 04. 20-21.
- Kim WK, Pyee Y, Park HJ, Hong JY, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of spicatoside A is associated with switch from autophagy to apoptotic cell death in human colon cancer cells, 2017 대한약학회 춘계학술대회 (충청북도, C&V center) 2017. 04. 20-21.
- Bach DH, Hong JY, Kim D, Nirmal RAJASEKARAN, Kim WK, Bae SY, Park HJ, Shin YK, Lee J, Lee SK, Re-expression of miR-449a by yuanhuadine suppresses NNMT and reverse gefitinib-resistance in resistance non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2017 대한약학회 춘계학술대회 (충청북도, C&V center) 2017. 04. 20-21.
- Jang EJ, Lee HY, Bae SY, Jeon, J, Park HJ, Shin J, Lee SK, Anti-melanogenic activity by Gagunin D is associated with modulation of tyrosinse expression and degradation, 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술발표대회 (서울과학기술 대학교 100주년 기념관) 2017. 05. 26.
- Hwang JY, Kim SH, Bae ES, Lee J, Park SK, Jang EJ, Park HJ, Lee SK, Evaluation of anti-melanogenic and Anti-inflammatory activities of indigenous plant extracts, 제42차 대한화장품학회 정기총회 및 춘계학술발표대회 (서울과학기술대학교 100주년 기념관) 2017. 05. 26.
- Kim WK, Byun WS, Park HJ, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic activities of esculetin targeting modulation of Axin2/E-cadherin/b-catenin cascade in human colon cancer cells, The 2nd Asia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학 신약개발센터) 2017. 06. 20-22.
- Bach DH, Kim SH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Oh DC, Lee SK, Targeting hypoxia-induced accumulation of HIF-1alpha and inducing apoptosis by salternamide A, a marine natural product, in human colorectal cancer cells, The 2nd Asia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학 신약개발센터) 2017. 06. 20-22.
- Hwang JY, Kim SH, Bae ES, Lee J, Park SK, Jang EJ, Park HJ, Lee SK, Evaluation of indigenous plant resources on anti-melanogenic and anti-inflammatory activities, The 2nd Asia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학신약개발센터) 2017. 06. 20-22.
- Jang EJ, Lee HY, Bae SY, Jeon J, Park HJ, Shin J, Lee SK, Anti-melanogenic effect of Gagunin D by regulating tyrosinase expression and degradation, The 2ndAsia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학 신약개발센터) 2017. 6. 20-22.
- Bae SY, Kim D, Park HJ, Hong JY, Lee HJ, Lee SK, SeripnB2 is a biomarker for EGFR-TKI resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells and is related to invadopodia-like structure protusions, 2017 대한암예방학회 오색심포지움 (설악, 오색그린야드호텔) 2017. 07. 06-08.
- Byun WS, Kim WK, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of spicatoside a by induction of autophagy and apoptotic cell death in colon cancer cells, 2017 대한암예방학회 오색심포지움 (설악, 오색그린야드호텔) 2017. 07. 06-08.
- Kim SH, Bach DH, Liu JY, Xu YN, Lee SK, Bioactivity evaluation of novel phthalimides as potential inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase, 2017 한국응용약물학회 추계학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2017. 10.
- Bae ES, Kang JI, Hong JY, Lee HJ, Bae SY, Jung C, Park HJ, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of Yuanhuacine through modulating AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway and actin cytoskeleton organization in non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2017 한국응용약물학회 추계학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 13.
- Kim WK, Lee M, Park HJ, Kang SS, Lee SK, Antitumor activities of natural products targeting modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, 2017 한국응 용약물학회 추계학술대회(서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2017. 10.
- Byu n W S, S ong J , K won Y , Kim S , Lee S K, A ntitumor a ctivity of phenanthroindolizidine alkaloids is associated via negative regulation of met endosomal signaling in renal cancer cells, 2017 한국응용약물학회 추계학술대회 (서울, 서울대학교 호암교수회관 컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 13.
- Bach DH, Kim D, Liu JY, Kim WK, Hong JY, Park SH, Qin SN, Luu TTT, Park HJ, Xu YN, Lee SK, Novel phthalimides as potential inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase, 2017 대한약학회 추계학술대회 (서울, 더케이호텔) 2017. 10. 19-20.
- Lee HY, Lee J, Bae SY, Jeon JE, Park HJ, Shin J, Lee SK, Gagunin D, a marine natural product, inhibits melanin synthesis by regulating tyrosinase expression and degradation, 제 10회 국제건강기능식품학술대회(ISNFF 2017) (군산, 새만금컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 22-25.
- Bae SY, Park S, Park HJ, Hong JY, Lee HJ, Lee SK, Yuanhuadine, a natural diterpenoid, modulates SerpinB2 for overcoming EGFR-TKI resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells, 제 10회 국제건강기능식품학술대회(ISNFF 2017) (군산, 새만금컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 22-25.
- Bach DH, Kim SH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Oh DC, Lee SK, Targeting hypoxia-inducedaccumulation of HIF-1alpha and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells by salternamide A, a marine natural product, 제 10회 국제건강기능식품학술대회 (ISNFF 2017) (군산, 새만금컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 22-25.
- Kim WK, Luu TTT, Bach DH, Choi TJ, Oh J, Park HJ, Oh SY Lee SK, Cytotoxic activities of telectadium dongnaiense and its constituents via suppression of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in human colon cancer cells, 제 10회 국제건강기능식품학술대회 (ISNFF 2017) (군산, 새만금컨벤션센터) 2017. 10. 22-25.
- Jang EJ, Lee HY, Bae SY, Jeon JE, Park HJ, Shin J, Lee SK, Anti-melanogenic effect of Gagunin D by modulating tyrosinase expression and degradation, The 24th Conference of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC Conference 2017) (서울, 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 서울 파르나스 ) 2017. 10. 23.
- Kim S, Bach DH, Kim D, Liu JY, Kim WK, Hong JY, Park SH, Qin SN, Luu TTT, Park HJ Xu YN, Lee SK, Potential anti-inflammatory compounds as phthalimides by inhibiting inducible nitric oxide synthase, 2017 한국생약학회 제48회 정기총회 및 학술대회 (성남, 차바이오컴플렉스) 2017. 11. 23.
- Kim WK, Bach DH, Ryu HW, Oh J, Park HJ, Hong JY, Song HH, Eum S, Bach DH, Lee SK, Cytotoxic activities of telectadium dongnaiense and its constituents via suppression of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, 2017 한국생약학회 제48 회 정기총회 및 학술대회 (성남, 차바이오컴플렉스) 2017. 11. 23.
- Bach DH, Kim D, Liu JY, Xu YN, Lee SK, Evaluation of novel phthalimides as potential inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase in murine macrophage cells, International Conference on the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 숙명여대 백주년기념관) 2017. 12. 08-09.
- Bach DH, Kim SH, Hong JY, Park HJ Oh DC, Lee SK, Targeting hypoxia-induced accumulation of HIF-1alpha and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells by salternamide A, a marine natural product, International Conference on the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Cancer Prevention (서울, 숙명여대 백주년기념관) 2017. 12. 08-09.
- P ark S H, L ee S K, E ffects o f S HINBARO o n r at m odels o f l u mbar h erniated intervertebral disc and spinal stenosis, 2017 Annual Symposium on New Trends in Natural Products Science (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학 신풍홀) 2017. 12. 21.
- Kim WK, Byun WS, Lee MA, Park HJ, Lee SK, Antitumor activities of natural products targeting modulation of WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway, 2017 Annual Symposium on New Trends in Natural Products Science (서울, 서울대학교 약학대학 신풍홀) 2017. 12. 21.
국외 학회발표
- Bae ES, Kim YM, Kim DH, Byun WS, Chin YW, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of nodosin is associated with the regulation of wnt signaling pathway in colon cancer cell, 2019 American Association for Cancer Research (Atlanta, USA) 2019. 3. 29. – 2019. 4. 4.
- Bae ES, Byun WS, Jin MK, Yu J, Kim WK, Jeong LS, Lee SK, Anti-tumor activity of a novel selenonucleoside via targeting Skp2 degradation in paclitaxel-resistant prostate cancer, 2019 American Association for Cancer Research (Atlanta, USA) 2019. 3. 29. – 2019. 4. 4.
- Kim DH, Bach DH, Fan Y, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Degradation of AXL overcome acquired cross-resistance to gefitinib and osimertinib in non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2019 American Association for Cancer Research (Atlanta, USA) 2019. 3. 29. – 2019. 4. 4.
- Lee JY, Luu TT, Bach DH, Hu R, Kim DH, Lee SK, Role of long noncoding RNA LINC00461 in EGFR-TKIs resistant non-small cell lung cancer, 2019 American Association for Cancer Research (Atlanta, USA) 2019. 3. 29. – 2019. 4. 4.
- Kim DH, Bach DH, Fan Y, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Yuanhuadine in combination with EGFR-TKI can delay and overcome acquired resistance in human non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2019 Annual Meeting of the ASP (Wisconsin, USA) 2019. 7. 13-17.
- Kim DH, Bach DH, Fan YH, Luu TT, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Overcoming EGFR-TKI Drug Resistance by Targeting AXL Degradation in Non-Small Lung Cancer Cells, The 2nd Lijiang International Forum on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guilin, China) 2019. 9. 26-28.
- Lee JY, Hu R, Kim DH, Luu TT, Bach DH, Lee SK, Long noncoding RNA LINC00461 regulates miR22 in EGFR-TKIs resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells, 2019 The 2nd Lijiang International Forum on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guilin, China) 2019. 9. 26-28.
- Kim DH, Hu R, Fan Y, Xu YN, Park HJ, Lee SK, Photoprotective effects of 2S,3R-6-methoxycarbonylgallocatechin isolated from Anhua black tea on UVB-induced inflammatory responses in human keratinocytes, The 2nd Lijiang International Forum on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guilin, China) 2019. 9. 26-28.
- Byun WS, Han HJ, Park HG, Lee SK, Targeting Histone Mythyltransferase DOT1L by a Novel Psammaplin A Analog Inhibits Tumor Growth and EMT-Mediated Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, The 2nd Lijiang International Forum on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guilin, China) 2019. 9. 26-28.
- Lee SK, Antitumor Agent from Natural Sources, The 2nd Lijiang International Forum on Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guilin, China) 2019. 9. 26-28.
- Kim D, Bach DH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Lee SK, Overexpression and Extended Degradation Rate of Axl in Acquired Gefitinib-Resistant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells, 2018 American Association for Cancer Research (Chicago, USA) 2018. 4. 14-18.
- Bach DH, Luu TTT, Kim DH, An YJ, Park S HJ, Park, Lee SK, Targeting BMP4 and MiR-139-5p in EGFR-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells, 2018 American Association for Cancer Research (Chicago, USA) 2018. 4. 14-18.
- Song J, Bae SY, Hong JY, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of natural phenanthroindolizidines and daphnane diterpenoids, The 8th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology (Pattaya, Thailand) 2018. 6. 17-20.
- Lee SK, Antitumor activity of natural phenanthroindolizidines and daphnane diterpenoids, Cancer Intervention and Therapy Symposium (Guiyang, China) 2018. 8. 9.
- Lee SK, Searching for Bioactive Natural Products, Invitation Lecture, Peking University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Beijing, China) 2018. 8. 29.
- Kim WK, Byun WS, Chung HJ, Oh J, Park HJ, Choi JS Lee SK, Antitumor and antimetastatic activities of esculetin by targeting axin2/E-cadherin axis in colon cancer, The American Society of Pharmacognosy Annual Meeting (Lexington, USA) 2018. 7. 21-25.
- Kim J, Park HJ, Lee H, Kim D, Hong JY, Noh M, Lee SK, Anti-UVB induced inflammatory activity of pinosylvin via MAPK signaling pathway in human keratinocytes, 2018 IFSCC (Munich, Germany) 2018. 9. 18-21.
- Bae SY, Kim D, Byun WS, Park HJ, Hong JY, Lee HJ, Lee SK, SerpinB2 enhances invadopodia-like structure protusions and is down-regulated in acquired gefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer cell, 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (Washington DC, USA) 2017. 04. 01-05.
- Kim WK, Pyee Y, Park HJ, Hong JY, Lee SK, Antitumor activity of spicatoside A, a steroidal saponin, via induction of switch from autophagy to apoptotic cell death, 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (Washington DC, USA) 2017. 04. 01-05.
- Bach DH, Byun WS, Kim SH, Hong JY, Park HJ, Oh DC, Lee SK, Salternamide A, a marine natural product, suppresses hypoxia-induced accumulation of HIF-1α and induces apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cell, 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (Washington DC, USA) 2017. 04. 01-05.
- Byun WS, Shin Yh, Lee SK, Park H, Hong S, Antitumor activity of marine natural product derived Psammaplin A analogs in human lung cancer cell, 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (Washington DC, USA) 2017. 04. 01-05.
- Kim WK, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative Activities of Natural Products Targeting Modulation of Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway, The 10th Seoul-Kyoto-Osaka Joint Symposium On Pharmaceutical Sciences For Young Scientists (Osaka University, Japan) 2017. 05. 23-24.
- Kim WK, Oh J, Bach DH, Ryu HW, Park HJ, Hong JY, Song HH, Eum S, Bach TT, Lee SK, Anti-proliferative activity of Telectadium dongnaiense and its constituents via inhibition of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in human colon cancer cells, Phytopharm 2017 (University of GRAZ, Austria) 2017. 07. 02-05.
- Lee SK, Searching for antitumor agents from natural sources, The 1st Lijian international forum on pharmaceutical sciences (Guangxi normal university, China) 2017. 09. 15-17.
- Lee SK, Antitumor activity of natural phenanthroindolizidines and daphnane diterpenoids, 15th International Symposium on Traditional Medicines (Toyama University, Japan) 2017. 11. 08-09.