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홍석창 부교수

전공저분자 생리활성 물질 합성, 의약화학
연락처tel : 7875
2004.03 – 2008.02
(약학사) 서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과
2008.03 – 2014.02
(약학박사) 서울대학교 약학대학 약품제조화학전공
2014.04 – 2014.11
(선임연구원) 서울대학교 약학대학 종합약학연구소
2015.01 – 2016.09
(박사 후 연구원) University of Texas at Austin
2016.11 – 2017.08
(선임연구원) 한국화학연구원 CEVI융합연구단
2017.09 – 현재
(부교수) 서울대학교 약학대학

– 전이 금속 촉매를 이용한 새로운 단위 반응 개발 및 적용
– 생리 활성을 가진 천연물의 전합성 및 반합성
– 다양한 유기 합성 반응을 사용한 약물 설계 및 후보 물질 합성


1. Suckchang Hong, Jihye Lee, Minsik Kim, Yohan Park, Cheonhyoung Park, Mi-hyun Kim, Sang-sup Jew, Hyeung-geun Park. “Highly Enantioselective Synthesis of α,α-Dialkylmalonates by Phase-Transfer Catalytic Desymmetrization” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133(13), 4924-4929.

2. Suckchang Hong, Myungmo Lee, Myunggi Jung, Yohan Park, Mi-hyun Kim, Hyeung-geun Park. “Efficient synthetic method of psammaplin A” Tetrahedron Letters 2012, 53(32), 4209-4211.

3. Suckchang Hong, Myunggi Jung, Yohan Park, Min Woo Ha, Cheonhyoung Park, Myungmo Lee, Hyeung-geun Park. “Efficient Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (-)-Horsfiline” Chemistry – A European Journal 2013, 19(29), 9599-9605. July 15.

4. Suckchang Hong, Minsik Kim, Myunggi Jung, Min Woo Ha, Myungmo Lee, Yohan Park, Mi-hyun Kim, Taek-Soo Kim, Jihoon Lee, Hyeung-geun Park. “Enantioselective synthesis of α-halo-α-alkylmalonates via phase-transfer catalytic α-alkylation” Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2014, 12(9), 1510-1517.

5. Suckchang Hong, Yoonho Shin, Myunggi Jung, Min Woo Ha, Yohan Park, Yeon-Ju Lee, Jongheon Shin, Ki Bong Oh, Sang Kook Lee, Hyeung-geun Park. “Efficient synthesis and biological activity of Psammaplin A and its analogues as antitumor agents” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2015, 96, 218-230.

6. Ryosuke Tsutsumi, Suckchang Hong, Michael J. Krische. “Diastereo- and Enantioselective Iridium Catalyzed Carbonyl (α-Cyclopropyl)allylation via Transfer Hydrogenation” Chemistry – A European Journal 2015, 21(37), 12903-12907.

7. Suckchang Hong, Michael J. Krische. “Beyond Protecting Groups in Metal Catalyzed C-C Coupling: Direct Anomeric Propargylation of Aldoses” ACS Central Science 2016, 2(1), 12-13.

8. Min Woo Ha, Sujee Choi, Seek Kim, Jun Young Lee, Jae Kyun Lee, Jeeyeon Lee, Suckchang Hong, Hyeung-geun Park. “Phase-transfer catalyzed enantioselective α-alkylation of α-acyloxymalonates: construction of chiral α-hydroxy quaternary stereogenic centers” RCS Advances 2016, 6(81), 77427-77430.

9. Inji Shin, Suckchang Hong, Michael J. Krische. “Total Synthesis of Swinholide A: An Exposition in Hydrogen-Mediated C-C Bond Formation” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138(43), 14246-14249.