성균관대학교 기초과학연구소, 박사후연구원
– 퇴행성뇌질환의 병리학적 메커니즘 연구
– 외상성 뇌손상에 의한 퇴행성뇌질환 유발 기전 연구
– 노화에 의한 퇴행성뇌질한 기전 연구
1. Yan Y, Wang X, Chaput D, Shin MK, Gan L, Pieper AA, Woo JA, Kang DE. X-linked ubiquitin specific peptidase 11 increases tauopathy vulnerability in women. Cell. 2022
2. Shin MK*, Vázquez-Rosa E*, Koh YJ, Dhar M, Chaubey K, Cintrón-Pérez CJ, Barker S, Miller E, Franke K, Noterman M, Seth D, Allen RS, Motz CT, Rao SR, Skelton LA, Pardue MT, Fliesler SJ, Wang C, Gan L, Liebl DJ, Savarraj JPJ, Torres GL, Ahnstedt H, McCullough LD, Kitagawa RS, Choi HA, Zhang P, Hou Y, Chiang CW, Li L, Ortiz F, Kilgore JA, Williams NS, Whitehair VC, Gefen T, Flanagan ME, Stamler JS, Jain MK, Kraus A, Cheng F, Reynolds JD, Pieper AA. Reducing acetylated tau is neuroprotective in brain injury. Cell. 2021 May 184;1-18. (*co-first author).
3. Vázquez-Rosa E*, Shin MK*, Dhar M*, Chaubey K, Cintrón-Pérez CJ, Tang X, Liao X, Miller E, Koh Y, Barker S, Franke K, Crosby DR, Schroeder R, Emery J, Yin TC, Fujioka H, Reynolds JD, Harper MM, Jain MK, Pieper AA. P7C3-A20 treatment one year after TBI in mice repairs the blood-brain barrier, arrests chronic neurodegeneration, and restores cognition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Nov 3;117(44):27667-27675. (*co-first author).
4. Shin MK, Choi MS, Chae HJ, Kim JW, Kim HG, Kim KL. Ganglioside GQ1b ameliorates cognitive impairments in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, and causes reduction of amyloid precursor protein. Sci Rep. 2019 Jun 11;9(1):8512.
5. Michaelson JJ, Shin MK*, Koh JY*, Brueggeman L, Zhang A, Katzman A, McDaniel L, Fang M, Pufall M, Pieper AA. Neuronal PAS Domain Proteins 1 and 3 Are Master Regulators of Neuropsychiatric Risk Genes. Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Aug 1;82(3):213-223. (* contributed equally to this work).
6. Shin MK, Kim HG, Baek SH, Jung WR, Park DI, Park JS, Jo DG, Kim KL. Neuropep-1 ameliorates learning and memory deficits in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the brain, and causes reduction of amyloid beta plaques. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 May;35(5):990-1001.
7. Shin MK*, Jung WR*, Kim HG, Roh SE, Kwak CH, Kim CH, Kim SJ, Kim KL. The ganglioside GQ1b regulates BDNF expression via the NMDA receptor signaling pathway. Neuropharmacology. 2014 Feb;77:414-21.(*co-first author).