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오동찬 교수

전공미생물 유래 생리활성 천연물 발굴, 천연물 구조 분석
연락처tel : 2492 / fax : 762-8322
1992 – 1996
서울대학교 자연과학대학 학사
1996 – 1998
서울대학교 자연과학대학 석사
2001 – 2006
University of California-San Diego 박사
2013 – 현재
서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과 천연물과학전공 부교수
2012 – 현재
Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Early Career Scientist
2009 – 2013
서울대학교 약학대학 제약학과 천연물과학전공 조교수
2008 – 2009
Instructor in Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
2006 – 2008
Research Fellow in Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
1998 – 2001
해군 정보장교 복무 (예비역 중위)

– Drug discovery from microbial natural products
– Chemical biology of natural products
– Study of insect-microbial symbiosis
– Structure elucidation of natural products


“Facile determination of the absolute configuration of -hydroxy acids by chiral derivatization coupled with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis” Moon, K.; Lim, C.; Kim, S.*; Oh, D.-C.* Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1272, 141-144. *co-corresponding author

“Bahamaolides A and B, antifungal polyene polyol macrolides from the marine actinomycete, Streptomyces sp.” Kim, D.-G.; Moon, K.; Kim, S.-H.; Park, S.-H.; Park, S.; Lee, S. K.; Oh, K.-B.; Shin, J.; Oh, D.-C.* Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75, 959-967. *corresponding author

“Tripartilactam, a cyclobutane-bearing tricyclic lactam from a Streptomyces sp. in a dung beetle’s brood ball” Park, S.-H.; Moon, K.; Bang, H.-S.; Kim, S.-H.; Kim, D.-G.; Oh, K.-B.; Shin, J.; Oh, D.-C.* Organic Letters, 2012, 14, 1258-1261. *corresponding author

“Simple determination of double bond positions in long-chain olefins by cross-metathesis” Kwon, Y.; Lee S.; Oh, D.-C.*; Kim, S.* Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50, 8275-8278. *co-corresponding author

“Sceliphrolactam, a polyene macrocyclic lactam from a wasp-associated Streptomyces sp.” Oh, D.-C.; Poulsen, M.; Currie, C. R.; Clardy, J. Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 752-755.

“Pharmacologic inhibition of the anaphase-promoting complex induces a spindle checkpoint-dependent mitotic arrest in the absence of spindle damage” Zeng, X.; Sigoillot, F.; Gaur, S.; Choi, S.; Pfaff, K. L.; Oh, D.-C.; Hathaway, N.; Dimova, N.; Cuny, G. D.; King, R. W. Cancer Cell, 2010, 18, 382-395.

“Enhancement of proteasome activity by a small-molecule inhibitor of Usp14” Lee, B.-H.; Lee, M. J.; Park, S.; Oh, D.-C.; Elsasser, S.; Chen, P.-C.; Gartner, C.; Dimova, N.; Hanna, J.; Gygi, S. P.; Wilson, S. M.; King, R. W.; Finley, D. Nature, 2010, 467, 179-184.

“Common biosynthetic origins of polycyclic tetramate macrolactams from phylogentically diverse bacteria” Blodgett, J. A. V.; Oh, D.-C.; Cao, S.; Currie, C. R.; Kolter R.; Clardy, J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 2010, 107, 11692-11697.

“D-amino acids govern stationary phase cell wall re-modeling in bacteria” Lam, H.*; Oh, D.-C.*; Cava, F.*; Takacs, C. N.; Clardy, J.; de Pedro, M. A.; Waldor, M. K. Science, 2009, 325, 1552-1555. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

“Dentigerumycin: a bacterial mediator of an ant-fungus symbiosis.” Oh, D.-C.*; Poulsen, M.*; Currie, C. R.; Clardy, J. Nature Chemical Biology, 2009, 5, 391-393. *These authors contributed equally to this work.

“Bacterial protection of beetle-fungus mutualism” Scott, J. J.*; Oh, D.-C.*; Yuceer, M. C.; Klepzig, K. D.; Clardy, J.; Currie, C. R. Science, 2008, 322, 63. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
