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한병우 교수

전공생화학, 구조생물학, 면역학
연락처tel : 7898 / fax : 02-762-8322
2001.09 – 2006.02
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Biochemistry, Ph.D.
1999.03 – 2001.02
서울대학교 자연과학대학 화학과, 이학석사(생화학전공)
1992.03 – 1999.02
서울대학교 사범대학 화학교육과, 이학사
2013.09 – 현재
서울대학교 약학대학 약학과, 부교수
2016.01 – 2017.01
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), Visiting Scientific Collaborator
2009.08 – 2013.08
서울대학교 약학대학 약학과, 조교수
2006.03 – 2009.02
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), Research Associate
2001.03 – 2001.07
서울대학교 자연과학대학 화학과, 연구원(석사급)

1. Structure-function relationships of biomedically important proteins
2. Structural biology on tumor microenvironment-modulating proteins
3. Structural biology on the N-degron pathway in protein degradation
4. Structural biology on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and the multi-tRNA synthetase complex
5. Variable lymphocyte receptor (VLR); structure, engineering, and application


15. “Structure and immunogenicity of a stabilized HIV-1 envelope trimer based on a group-M consensus sequence.” Sliepen K*, Han, B.W.†, Bontjer I*, Mooij P, Garces F, Behrens AJ, Rantalainen K, Kumar S, Sarkar A, Brouwer PJM, Hua Y, Tolazzi M, Schermer E, Torres JL, Ozorowski G, van der Woude P, de la Peña AT, van Breemen MJ, Camacho-Sánchez JM, Burger JA, Medina-Ramírez M, González N, Alcami J, LaBranche C, Scarlatti G, van Gils MJ, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Ward AB, Koopman G, Moore JP, Shattock RJ, Bogers WM, Wilson IA†, and Sanders RW† Nature Communications, 2019 May 29;10(1):2355. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10262-5. PMID: 31142746 (* equally contributed, † co-corresponding authors)

14. “DRS–AIMP2–EPRS subcomplex acts as a pivot in the multi-tRNA synthetase complex” Hyunggu Hahn*, Sang Ho Park*, Hyun-Jung Kim, Sunghoon Kim, and Han, B.W. IUCr Journal (2019) 6:958-967, https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052252519010790 (* equally contributed)

13. “Structural basis for the inhibitory effects of a novel reversible covalent ligand on PPARγ phosphorylation” Jun Young Jang*, Hyun Soo Kim*, Hyun-Jung Kim, Se Won Suh, Seung Bum Park†, and Han, B.W.† Scientific Reports, 2019 Aug 1;9(1):11168. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47672-w. PMID: 31371757 (* equally contributed, † co-corresponding authors)

12. “Synergistic AML cell death induction by marine cytotoxin (+)-1(R), 6(S), 1′(R), 6′(S), 11(R), 17(S)-fistularin-3 and Bcl-2 inhibitor Venetoclax.” Cristina Florean, Kyung Rok Kim, Michael Schnekenburger, Hyun-Jung Kim, Céline Moriou, Cécile Debitus, Mario Dicato, Ali Al-Mourabit, Han, B.W.†, and Marc Diederich† Marine Drugs, 2018, 16, 518; doi:10.3390/md16120518 (†co-corresponding authors)

11. “Unique N-terminal extension domain of human asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase elicits CCR3-mediated chemokine activity.”Park JS, Park MC, Lee KY, Goughnour PC, Jeong SJ, Kim HS, Kim HJ, Lee BJ, Kim S, and Han, B.W. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018 Dec;120(Pt A):835-845. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.08.171. Epub 2018 Aug 30. PMID: 30171954

10. “Molecular organization of the type II-A CRISPR adaptation module and its interaction with Cas9 via Csn2″Ka D, Jang DM, Han, B.W., and Bae E. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky702. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30102386

9. “Structural Basis for the Enhanced Anti-Diabetic Efficacy of Lobeglitazone on PPARγ”Jang JY, Bae H, Lee YJ, Choi YI, Kim HJ, Park SB, Suh SW, Kim SW†, and Han, B.W.† (2018) Scientific Reports, 2018 Jan 8;8(1):31. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18274-1. PMID: 29311579, († co-corresponding authors)

8. “Secreted tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase as a primary defence system against infection”Ahn, Y.H., Park, S., Choi, J.J., Park, B.K., Rhee, K.H., Kang, E., Ahn, S., Lee, C.H., Lee, J.S., Inn, K.S., Cho, M.L., Park, S.H., Park, K., Park, H.J., Lee, J.H., Park, J.W., Kwon, N.H., Shim, H., Han, B.W., Kim, P., Lee, J.Y., Jeon, Y., Huh, J.W., Jin, M., and Kim, S. (2016) Nature Microbiology, 2016 Oct 17;2:16191. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.191

7. “Structure and Stability of the Dimeric Triosephosphate Isomerase from the Thermophilic Archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum”Park, S.H., Kim, H.S., Park, M.S., Moon, S., Song, M.K., Park, H.S., Hahn, H., Kim, S.J., Bae, E., Kim, H.J., and Han, B.W. (2015) PLoS One, 10(12):e0145331, 2015.12.28.

6. “PharmDB-K: Integrated Bio-Pharmacological Network Database for Traditional Korean Medicine”Lee, J.H., Park, K.M., Han, D.J., Bang, N.Y., Kim, D.H., Na, H., Lim, S., Kim, T.B., Kim, D.G., Kim, H.J., Chung, Y., Sung, S.H., Surh, Y.J., Kim, S., and Han, B.W. (2015) PLoS One, 10(11):e0142624, 2015. 11.

5. “Promiscuous methionyl-tRNA synthetase mediates adaptive mistranslation against oxidative stresses” Lee, J.Y., Kim, D.G., Kim, B.G., Yang, W.S., Hong, J., Kang, T., Oh, Y.S., Kim, K.R., Han, B.W., Hwang, B., Kang, B., Kang, M.S., Kim, M.H., Kwon, N.H., and Kim, S. (2014) Journal of Cell Science, 127(Pt 19):4234-45, 2014. 10. 01.

4. “Chemical inhibition of prometastatic lysyl-tRNA synthetase-laminin receptor interaction” Kim, D.G., Lee, J.Y., Kwon, N.H., Fang, P., Zhang, Q., Wang, J., Young, N.L., Guo, M., Cho, H.Y., Mushtaq, A.U., Jeon, Y.H., Choi, J.W., Han, J.M., Kang, H.W., Joo, J.E., Hur, Y., Kang, W., Yang, H., Nam, D.H., Lee, M.S., Lee, J.W., Kim, E.S., Moon, A., Kim, K., Kim, D., Kang, E.J., Moon, Y., Rhee, K.H., Han, B.W., Yang, J.S., Han, G., Yang, W.S., Lee, C., Wang, M.W., and Kim, S. (2014) Nature Chemical Biology, 10(1):29-34, 2014. 01.

3. “Structural and functional characterizations of HP0377, a thioredoxin-fold protein from Helicobacter pylori” Yoon, J.Y., Kim, J.E., An, D.R., Lee, S.J., Kim, H.S., Im, H.N., Yoon, H.-J., Kim, J.Y., Kim, S.-J., Han, B.W.,† Suh, S.W.† (2013) Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography, 69(Pt5):735-46, 2013. 05. († co-corresponding authors)

2. “Antigen recognition by variable lymphocyte receptors” Han, B.W., Herrin, B.R., Cooper, M.D., and Wilson, I.A. (2008) Science, 321(5897):1834-7, 2008. 09. 26.

1. “Membrane association, mechanism of action, and structure of Arabidopsis EMBRYONIC FACTOR 1 (FAC1)” Han, B.W., Bingman, C.A., Mahnke, D.K., Bannen, R.M., Sabina, R.L. & Phillips, G.N., Jr. (2006) Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(21):14939-47, 2006. 05. 26.

석•박사 논문지도

김경록 (박사, 2020년 2월 졸업)
한형구 (박사, 2020년 2월 졸업)
Nguyen Thi Kim Yen (박사, 2020년 2월 졸업)
오은경 (석사, 2020년 2월 졸업)

박준성 (박사, 2019년 2월 졸업)
오서영 (석사, 2019년 2월 졸업)

김민주 (석사, 2017년 8월 졸업)

박상호 (박사, 2016년 2월 졸업)

백인화 (석사, 2014년 8월 졸업)

김경록 (석사, 2014년 2월 졸업)

백장미 (석사, 2013년 2월 졸업)
이지연 (석사, 2013년 2월 졸업)

박미설 (석사, 2012년 2월 졸업)
한미라 (석사, 2012년 2월 졸업)
